Suman Kumar Sinha Apps

Junior Mathematics 1.5
The application helps children studying withinSenior Kinder Garden and Grade/Class II to improve their skills.There are various operations such as addition, subtraction,multiplication or division. Selecting the biggest, smallest, odd oreven numbers are also supported. It also allows to select thenumber just before or after a given number. The numbers can also bearranged in ascending or descending order.For every option, the number choices would be in bouncingbubbles. The correct selection is made by popping the bubblecorresponding to the correct number.There are options to increase the level of difficulty byincreasing the number of digits in a number. The sound can also beturned on or off. Finally the results of the total number ofattempts are logged so that one can see how many correct selectionswere made from the total number of attempts.
Picture Puzzle Game 1.1
This is a picture puzzle that supports draganddrop. One can create a picture either using the camera or asimplepaint brush utility or existing pictures can be selectedfrom thegallery. The picture can then be broken into the number ofpieces asspecified by the user. These pieces can be dragged anddropped intoa placeholder for the assembled picture.There is also a file manager utility that enables the usertoedit or delete previous picture(s).Have fun and revert to me with any suggestionsorimprovements.